Stay tuned!
What's new in Son laboratory?
February 4th, We’d like to extend our gratitude to Prof. 이수홍 (Dongguk University),
Prof. 김선민 (Inha University), and Prof. 박인규 (Chonnam National University) for taking the time to share their expertise.
The session was both informative and engaging, and we appreciate the opportunity to learn from their insights.
Thank you for a meaningful lecture.

January 21th, We truly appreciate Prof. 신흥수 (Hanyang University) for his informative lecture on "Biomaterials-based delivery of cell-instructive molecules for tissue regeneration."
It was a valuable opportunity to learn, and we appreciate the knowledge shared.

January 16th, We sincerely thank Prof. 권영은 (Dongguk University)
for giving a lecture on "Genetically Encoded Biosensors"
It was a pleasant and engaging lecture, and we are grateful for the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge.

January 9th, Thank you, Prof. 김기수 (Pusan National University) for your seminar on "Transdermal Photomedicine via Various Upconverting Nanomaterials for The Treatment of Skin Diseases"
We truly appreciate you coming all the way to deliver the talk. It was a valuable and enjoyable experience.

January 6th, We sincerely appreciate Prof. 안스데반 (The Catholic University/Seoul ST. Mary’s Hospital) for the informative seminar on "Development of Novel Immunotherapeutic Strategies for Glioblastoma"
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit and deliver the talk.

December 27th, 2024 Year-End Party! Dress code: Red❤️, Green💚, Brown(Ivory)🤎
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on your research this year.
Let's wrap up the year well and continue with great research in 2025!🫶

December 18th, We had a delicious lunch together to celebrate the end-of-semester party. 😋🍴

December 4th, Happy birthday Jeonghyun! Wishing you all the best things!🎂🥰

December 3rd, Yubin Master's thesis defense.
It was an outstanding presentation. Thank you for your hard work!💐👏

November 13th, Welcome to the new interns, Hyeonsik in Son's lab!🤗
The first lunch together! Let's work together on research👩🔬👨🔬🤍

October 30th, Jeonghyun's housewarming!!🏠
It was a fun time because we were all together
Let's be together again next time😄💕

October 16th, Welcome to the new interns, Hyerim and Wonah in Son's lab!❤️
We had our first gathering with the new interns. Together, let’s do great research!

September 30th ~ October 2nd, 2024 INHA UNIV. FESTIVAL 🐉💙
We watched the festival together, ate delicious food, and recharged!💪

September 13th, Happy birthday, 주원핑! Have a happy day 🎉❤️

September 12th, Thank you, Prof. 박재형 (SKKU), for the excellent lecture on
"Exosomes for Biomedical Applications: Implications as Therapeutic Targets and Innate Therapeutics."
I also appreciate the efforts of Prof. Son for smoothly chairing the session!

September 10th, Opening meeting for the second semester with Bbangbbang!
Wishing you great research in the second semester. Let’s do our best!☺️🍀

August 28th, We had a group dinner to welcome the start of the second semester
and to send off the interns who worked with us over the vacations.
Thanks for your effort and hard work!

August 27th, Juwon and Bumjun each gave a presentation regarding their own study.
Thanks for passionately leading the seminar
and Thanks to the BRL research team for the opportunity to present.

July 15th, Prof. James Moon (University of Michigan), Prof. 박지환, Prof. 최진욱 and Prof. 권용훈 (GIST)
each attended our Mini Symposium (Organizer: Prof. Son) and led a seminar.
Thanks for passionately leading the seminar!

June 28th, Welcoming our new Interns Hyeyong and Jiwon,
we had a group lunch.

June 24th, our lab's paper has been highlighted in INHA Univ homepage.
Congratulations Kidong, Juwon, Jeonghyun!

June 21st, 2024-1 End-of-Semester celebrating Lunch (HBD 범준&주한!)

June 17th, 유동길 Ph.D(Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital)
,led a seminar. Thank you!

June 5th, 박성수 Ph.D, director of research institute at MDimune
,led a seminar and had a group dinner.

May 27th~30th, 2024 12th World Biomaterials Congress

May 23rd, Prof. Susan N. Thomas (Georgia Tech) visited Inha University and gave a wonderful lecture in the department. Thank you, Susan!

May 15th, gift to Prof. Son in commemoration of Teacher's day

April 25th, SKKU Prof. 임용택 led seminar

April 12nd, Lab spring picnic

April 3rd ~ 5th, 한국고분자학회 2024년도 춘계 정기총회 및 학술대회

February 23rd, Happy Birthday Prof. Son !!

February 16th, Graduation ceremony
Congratulations, Jeong Hyun, Kidong, Jaeeun, and Hyemin!

January 3rd, IBPL New Year's Party

November 31st ~ December 1st, 2023 한국약제학회 총회 및 국제학술대회

Nov 24th, Prof. Son introduced polysaccharide nanocapsue (NC)-based cancer nanovaccine in BIGC 2023
and highlighted in BioSpectator.

October 11st~14th, 한국고분자학회 2023년도 추계 정기총회 및 학술대회

September 25th, BK21 바이오시스템융합학과 성과발표회 및 교육사업내용 소개
About Immuno-BioPharmaceticals Laboratory (IBPL)

August 17th, Prof. Son gave a lecture at the synposium
on the thme of 'Biomaterials-based nanomedicine strategies for cancer vaccine and immunotherapy'.

August 17th, Group lunch with Prof. James Moon!

May 22nd, Poster presentation for bachelor's thesis
Congratulations, Jeong Hyun, Kidong, and Jaeeun!

May 18th, 비룡제 at INHA university

May 1st, Biomaterials & biochip mini workshop
with Prof. 최종훈, Prof. 이수홍, and Prof. 박인규

April 13rd, Prof. Son gave a lecture as a young researcher at 2023 KSBB Spring Meeting and International Synposium.
Prof. Son introduced a strategy for T cells to accurately recognize cancer cells
using microbial-derived nanomaterials and was highlighted in 동아일보 and 동아사이언스.

April 19th, Lab dinner

Feb 17th, Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations, Juwon, Yubin, and Yujeong!

Feb 17th, Bumjun recieved in Excellence of Journal Publication at Outstanding Research Award.
Congratulations, Bumjun!

Feb 14th, Jihoon Kim Ph.D. Invitational Seminar with Prof. 허윤석, Prof. 차종호, Prof. 전태준
Title : A Journey Toward Nitric Oxide Medicines

Dec 23rd, Prof. Son's paper was published in Nature Bioemedical Engineering
and highlighted in 서울경제 and 헤럴드경제.
Nov 21st, ImmunoBiophamaceuticals Laboratory was featured in BRIC.
Stay tuned!

July 20th-21st, 2022 summer MT with Prof. 민경진's lab


July 7th, Joint Workshop with Prof. 허윤석, Prof. 차종호 for collaboration

June 7th, Lab dinner